I am currently:

Chair Ormiston Academies Trust. One of the large National Academy Trusts https://www.ormistonacademiestrust.co.uk/

Chair Public Interest News Foundation https://www.publicinterestnews.org.uk/

Co Chair Buckinghamshire Culture https://buckinghamshireculture.org/

Trustee National Secular Society National Secular Society

I am a Humanist Speaker for Schools and a passable potter

In the past I have been

Vice Chancellor2011-16Kingston University
Board Member, Deputy Chair
2012- 17OfQual
OfQual Standards Group
Council Member2011-16.St George’s Univ. of London
Governor, Chair Audit and Risk Committee2009-17  Latymer Upper School  
Team Leader: QABME*2003-10General Medical Council

I have been the specialist advisor to two House of Lords Inquiries

I qualified in Medicine, and specialised in Infectious Disease and Epidemiology. I have worked in the Developing World and war zones.

I enjoy learning

Education, Qualifications and Prizes

CELTA (English Language Teaching) International House/Cambridge
MSc in Applied Psychology (BPS Grad Status) Robert Gordon
2016BA Humanities(with Art History) Open University
2014PFHEA (Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Agency)
2009MEd (Open University)
2002FFPH (Fellow, Faculty of Public Health)
2001FRCP (Fellow, Royal College of Physicians)
1994MFPHM (Member, Faculty of Public Health Medicine)  Specialist Accreditation: Public Health Medicine
1991MSc, Public Health, London School of Hygiene &  Tropical Medicine
1990DM(Oxford), thesis, “Studies on the Circulation during Fever”
1989Specialist Accreditation: General (Internal) Medicine and Communicable Disease
1982MRCP(UK) (Member, Royal College of Physicians)
1979BMBCh,  University of Oxford,  Radcliffe Infirmary Prize in Medicine
1976BA., Physiological Sciences, University of Oxford

 Honorary Doctorates from:

University of North Carolina, Charlotte NC;

Grand Valley State University, GV, Ill